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YourMedicare New CMS Rules FAQ Webpage

June 16, 2023 // News

YourMedicare’s CMS Frequently Asked Questions at is a one-stop resource for rules interpretation and answers to previously asked questions.

One question that remains unclear:

“Are inbound calls exempt from the 48-hour Scope of Appointment requirement?” 

Further clarity and a formal interpretation of the rule will be disseminated after feedback from carrier partners.

Additional guidance is being rolled out on the CMS Webpage as it becomes available.

Should you have additional questions, please submit them using the contact form at the bottom of the webpage or email

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  1. Yvette Kaplinsky says:

    looks like you have to use the 48 hour rule when you get a business reply card. You get a card. You call them immediately giving the extended disclaimer then tell them you can’t tell them anything for 48 hours after they sign a Scope. They will hang up on us and look elsewhere. IMHO, this is FUBARed and will disconnect people who have no understanding of how Medicare works or their options from learning and making informed decisions. Government way over reach that destroys what they are trying to protect.

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