Broker Hotline 1-888-776-6565
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AMAC Broker Services appreciates the relationships you have made with your current FMO. We believe we can offer you additional contracts not available through your current FMO. AMAC is proud to bring several semi-exclusive products to our contracted agents. Call us to discuss your options!

Some agents find that the AMAC Broker Services contract is more competitive than their current contracts. Note: You must be released from your current contract in order to become contracted with the same carrier(s) through AMAC Broker Services. Each carrier has different criteria for releasing an agent. Contact your current FMO, or contact the carrier directly to determine the specific guidelines for obtaining a release.

Our agents appreciate our Conservative values and the opportunity to work with an alternative to AARP. We understand that small business is the backbone of America, and we believe that the entrepreneurial spirit is the fuel that drives our economy. We provide our agents with exceptional service, qualified leads, A-rated carriers, and competitive commissions that allow them to bring outstanding value to their clients.

We are contracted in all fifty states and the District of Columbia.

Yes! We are dedicated to helping our independent agents across America grow their businesses!

Your commission will be paid directly by the carrier whenever possible. The majority of our carriers pay the independent agent directly, so you will work with their individual accounting departments if there is a question concerning your commissions.

As of April 3, 2017, Renaissance Life & Health commissions will be paid daily. Funds may take approximately 2-3 days (from the date the policy is issued) to be deposited into your account.

Yes! Every day over 10,000 people reach age 65, and that number is expected to increase over the next twenty years.

No. Our products, training and support are offered at no cost. In the event there is a cost associated with contracting with a specific carrier, agents will be notified prior to contracting.

Yes. We are happy to offer contracted agents (and those in the process) coverage through CAN Insurance Company, or one of their A.M. Best “A” rated carriers. Upon contracting, you will be given a personal login and password for access into the Your Broker Portal section of our website. You will be able to obtain a quote, read a sample policy, and view state specific endorsements.

Highlights include: Coverage available for Life, Accident & Health, LTC, Medicare, and managed health care organizations, along with optional coverage for annuities, mutual funds, variable annuities, variable insurance, disability, and 24-hour care.

In the event you need coverage while you are still in the contracting process, please call an ABS representative at 1-888-776-6565 and a link will be sent to you.

I have more questions. Who do I call?

Please call 1-888-776-6565 and we will be happy to answer any additional questions
Or email us at