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President-Elect Trump on the ACA

November 16, 2016 // News


Despite Donald Trump’s vow to repeal Obamacare, there will undoubtedly be some aspects of the Act that will remain intact.  Most Republicans agree that their plan will retain some aspects of the pre-existing conditions provision, as well as the provision allowing children to stay on their parents’ health insurance to age 26.

In a 90 minute meeting last week, President Obama hosted President-Elect Trump at the White House. The president reported that they discussed a wide range of topics, including foreign and domestic policy. Obamacare was also a hot topic. Trump said “out of respect” for Obama, he would consider Obama’s suggestions regarding the implications of a repeal of the Act.

Earlier this year, House Speaker Paul Ryan introduced a health care plan that contained an expansion of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). President-Elect Trump’s plan also calls for expanding the way these tax-exempt accounts can be used to help pay for medical expenses. Trump’s administration will also look to make changes to Medicare. Ryan favors expanding Medicare Advantage plans, despite the fact that beneficiaries would incur the cost, and experts expect Trump to follow suit. Trump’s plan is also expected to contain provisions to put Medicaid back into the hands of states, and allow them to come up with plans to offer affordable health coverage to their low-income consumers.

While opponents to the Trump presidency claim millions will lose coverage after his inauguration, proponents argue that will not be the case. Trump has offered assurances that healthcare coverage will be affordable despite any overhaul. He also said that the process will be seamless to avoid loss of coverage.

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