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Contract with AMAC Broker Services Today and GET FREE LEADS!

November 16, 2016 // News

get-leadsWhat if I am already contracted elsewhere?

AMAC Broker Services appreciates the relationships you have made with your current FMO. We believe we can offer you additional contracts not available through your current FMO. AMAC is proud to bring several semi-exclusive products to our contracted agents. Call us to discuss your options!

Some agents find that the AMAC Broker Services contract is more competitive than their current contracts. Note:You must be released from your current contract in order to become contracted with the same carrier(s) through AMAC Broker Services. Each carrier has different criteria for releasing an agent. Contact your current FMO, or contact the carrier directly to determine the specific guidelines for obtaining a release.

Why do agents want to work with AMAC Broker Services?

Our agents appreciate our Conservative values and the opportunity to work with an alternative to AARP. We understand that small business is the backbone of America, and we believe that the entrepreneurial spirit is the fuel that drives our economy. We provide our agents with exceptional service, qualified leads, A-rated carriers, and competitive commissions, allowing you to bring exceptional value to your clients.

What about Free Leads?

AMAC Broker Services is the only FMO aligned with AMAC, the Association for Mature American Citizens – the second largest senior organization in the nation – and a conservative alternative to AARP. Senior AMAC members need the guidance of trusted agents like YOU to help them navigate the world of senior insurance.

Leads come at no cost to the agent, but may be limited. Leads will be distributed at the discretion of AMAC Broker Services and are not guaranteed.

Since the majority of our leads are from seniors ready to purchase, we ask that you contact the lead within 48 hours or return the lead to AMAC Broker Services via email at

What carriers do you represent?     

We are proud to work with Anthem/Empire, ARLIC/CIGNA, CIGNA/Healthspring, ACI/CLI/AHLIC, Aetna/Coventry, Combined, Heartland, Humana, Mutual of Omaha/United/Omaha, Oxford, Silverscript, Stonebridge and Transamerica. We are also proud to offer you a semi-exclusive Medicare Supplement product with Everest Reinsurance Company.

Our carriers are A-rated or better, which is why our list of carriers reflects our philosophy of quality over quantity.

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  1. Kyle Henson says:

    Im ready to move all contracts to AMAC. I’ve been selling Med Supps since 2001. I would be looking for leads in order to move all of my contracts. I currently have about $1M of Medicare business on the books.

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