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MOO Sales Professionals Access

March 18, 2024 // News
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Mutual of Omaha’s Simplified Issue products are designed to help you help your clients with uncomplicated underwriting, quick turnarounds, and faster coverage. 

To access the Sales Professional Access (SPA) Guide, click here:

SPA Guide.pdf (

To access product resources, training, underwriting, and market information, click here:

Simplified Issue (

To download MOO Materials or to order state-specific versions, click here:

Product Resources (

To log into the MOO Agent Portal, click here:

Accounts – Sign In (

Mutual of Omaha understands that you need tools and resources to protect your business and stay compliant.

Log into the MOO portal to find out more information on required compliance training, anti-money laundering, Do Not Call laws, fraud training, and more.

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