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15% Savings on IN MOO Dental & Medicare Supplement Plans  

March 18, 2024 // News
medicare supplement and dental savings

Medicare Supplement rates are periodically adjusted, and Mutual of Omaha has pinpointed Indiana as a state with competitive rate advantage on two of their most popular plans: G and N.

This advantage can help you help your clients save!

Medicare Supplements

CarrierPlan GPlan N
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company $98.06$73.14
Average of Top Carriers$110.54$92.71

As of 02/05/2024, female, non-tobacco, age 67, with available household discount applied.

Competitive Medicare Supplement rates from Omaha Insurance Company in Indiana benefit both you and your clients. Their plans provide the coverage your clients want and positions you for future sales with your senior-age clients.

View Indiana Outline of Coverage

Dental is more Competitive

CarrierDental Protection Plan
Mutual of Omaha   $25.18

As of 09/23/2023, Mutual Dental Protection Plan, $1500 Annual Benefit Maximum, with multi-policy discount applied.

CarrierMutual of Omaha RXSM Essential (PDP)
Omaha Health Insurance Company   $24.10

As of 8/2023, Mutual of Omaha Essential Plan.

IMPORTANT:  Your clients can save 15% when enrolling for dental insurance and a Medicare Supplement plan at the same time (in most states).

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