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Trump’s Budget, What Next?

May 25, 2017 // News

Earlier this week, the Trump Administration released the proposed budget for 2018. The 62 page proposal, “A New Foundation For American Greatness” outlines the $3.6 trillion, 10 year savings proposal to balance the budget and reduce national debt. Budgetary changes come from increases to specific programs, which will be funded, in part, by cuts to other departments and programs and tax reform.

The budget will not affect Medicare or non-disability Social Security, although it includes changes to the Medicaid disability program.

In part, increased funding would support the following:

Budget Reductions may affect funding to the following:

The Trump Administration has announced that cuts to federal spending in Medicaid programs would be offset by the repeal/replacement of Obamacare. This includes removing federal mandates and allowing for States to manage federally funded programs.

On a state-by-state basis, some states would see an increase in funding, while others would see an overall reduction in federal financial support. To view how the budget could impact your state, click here.

Next up, the Houes and the Senate will review the budget in committees, and although the US governmental fiscal year begins October, 1st, a final budget may not be seen until the forth quarter.

Click “A New Foundation For American Greatness” for the full proposal, including the budget and links to the Office of Management and Budget.

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