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Important ACA Subsidy and Marketplace Open Enrollment Notice Information for your Clients

September 27, 2016 // News


What your clients need to know about their subsidies:

Those clients who received subsidies in 2016 but did not file a 2015 federal tax return with Form 8962 to reconcile their Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) will be placed into a federal tax return (FTR) group. Placement into this group may result in the loss of APTC and eligibility for CSR (Cost Sharing Reduction).

For Assisters:  To access the CMS Overview for Assisters for those who have failed to file a 2014 Tax Return, visit:

This Failure to File and Reconcile (FTR) is a refresher on IRS requirements. Issued May 2016.

Marketplace Open Enrollment Notice (MOEN) to all Exchange Members

This notice will contain certain basic information, including: a description of the annual redetermination and renewal process; the requirement to report changes affecting eligibility and the ways for reporting such changes; and the last day members can choose a plan for coverage starting January 1. For enrollees who authorized the Marketplace to request updated tax return information for use in the annual redetermination process and who are receiving APTC or income-based CSRs, this notice will have information on the process the FFM will use to establish SPTC and CSR eligibility for 2017 for enrollees who do not actively reenroll.

Reminder: There is no limited enrollment period for Medicaid or for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Visit to find out if your client qualifies.

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