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Medicare Training Modules from CMS

July 12, 2017 // News

Click on the below resources to find out more information about these important topics. You can download helpful guides and presentations to build a library of Medicare training resources.

Getting Started with Medicare Module 0: Provides an introduction to Medicare and discusses the decisions people need to make when they select a Medicare option.

Understanding Medicare Module 1:  A primer in hospital (Part A), medical (Part B), Medicare Advantage (Part C), and prescription drug (Part D) coverage in Medicare.

Medigap (Medicare Supplements) Module 3: These materials explain Medigap, supplement insurance policies that pay certain beneficiary health care costs that are not covered under Medicare. They are designed for presentation to trainers and other information givers who already have a basic knowledge of Medicare.

CMS Program Resources Module 8: Identify CMS program-related resources. Refer to Social Security Administration resources. Review regulations. Use resources to help with questions and issues.

Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Module 9: These files contain basic information about Medicare prescription drug coverage.

Fraud & Abuse Prevention Module 10: This training module identifies Medicare Fraud and abuse, and discusses Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse prevention, detection, reporting, and recovery strategies.

Medicaid & CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) Module 12: Medicaid and CHIP explains programs for people with limited income and resource, including the following: Medicaid, Medicare Savings programs, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and coverage in U.S. territories.

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