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Medicare Advantage Buyer’s Remorse?

January 17, 2019 // News

Important information regarding the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (OEP), formerly known as the Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Period (MADP):

Seniors who purchased a Medicare Advantage Plan during the recent Annual Open Enrollment Period have options to make changes in 2019. Agents need to be mindful of the guidelines set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding marketing and advertising.

New Dates:

What changes can be made:


Agents are prohibited from “knowingly targeting” plan members. This includes sending unsolicited materials advertising the new Open Enrollment Period. Agents are also prohibited from calling your clients (or seniors who purchased elsewhere) to try to get them to switch plans purchased during the Annual Enrollment Period from October 15, 2018 through December 9, 2018.

If a plan member requests information from you or if they request a meeting to discuss options about the new OEP, you are allowed to send material or set an appointment to meet with them.


For more information, please see the 2019 Medicare Communication and Marketing Guidelines

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  1. Greg McCarter says:

    What about someone who was talked into moving from a Medigap Plan F to Medicare Advantage during the November-December Open Enrollment and are now having buyers remorse? Is there a time period that they can move back to a Medicgap plan w/o having to prove insurability?

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