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Lower Medicare Supplement Premiums with Everest in AZ, IA, & SC!

October 5, 2017 // News

State of Arizona

Everest is pleased to announce an approved area factor reduction for the State of Arizona, which will be applied to all policies with an Effective Date of November 1, 2017.

Below you will see the “Premium Impact %” the reductions have in the zip codes associated with Phoenix, Glendale and Chandler.  You will also see the impact of these changes to our market position for Plans F and G – Female, Nontobacco with HHD (i.e., when you see 5/7/7/7, this means age 65=5th; age 70=7th; age 75=7th; age 80=7th)

Attached you will find the revised Arizona stand alone Outline of CoverageandRate” packets.  We are in the process of loading these documents on the State Forms/Documents (Supplies) website (accessed from the Everest Agent Portal) and printing the necessary supplies.

NOTE:  Existing policyholders in the impacted zip codes will also see an associated rate reduction for premiums paid on or after November 1, 2017.

State of Iowa

Everest is pleased to announce an approved area factor reduction for the State of Iowa, which will be applied to all policies with an Effective Date of November 1, 2017.

Below you will see the “Premium Impact %” the reductions have in the zip codes associated with Cedar Rapids and Iowa City.  You will also see the impact of these changes to our market position for Plans F and G – Female, Nontobacco with HHD (i.e., when you see 5/7/5/6, this means age 65=5th; age 70=7th; age 75=7th; age 80=7th)

Attached you will find the revised Iowa stand alone “Outline of Coverage” and “Rate” packets.  We are in the process of loading these documents on the State Forms/Documents (Supplies) website (accessed from the Everest Agent Portal) and printing the necessary supplies.

NOTE:  Existing policyholders in the impacted zip codes will also see an associated rate reduction for premiums paid on or after November 1, 2017.

State of South Carolina

Everest is pleased to announce an approved area factor reductions for all plans in select zip codes in the State of South Carolina.  In addition, there is a 2% premium decrease for Plan G in all zip codes in this state.  These rate changes which will be applied to all new business with an Effective Date of November 1, 2017.

Below you will see the “Premium Impact %” the reductions have in the zip codes associated with Charleston, Hilton Head and Mount Pleasant area zip codes.  You will also see the impact of this area factor change to our market position for Plan F – Female, Nontobacco with HHD (i.e., when you see 5/7/7/7, this means age 65=5th; age 70=7th; age 75=7th; age 80=7th).  You will also see the impact of this area factor change plus the 2% premium reduction to our market position for Plan G – Female, Nontobacco with HHD (i.e., when you see 8/9/10/9, this means age 65=5th; age 70=7th; age 75=7th; age 80=7th)

Attached you will find the revised South Carolina stand alone Outline of Coverage” andRatepackets and “Rate” packets.  We are in the process of loading these documents on the State Forms/Documents (Supplies) website (accessed from the Everest Agent Portal) and printing the necessary supplies.


NOTE:  Because South Carolina policies must provide a 31 day advance notice of any changes to existing policyholders in the impacted zip codes, our current policyholders issued on or after December 1, 2016, will see the applicable adjustment on their first policy anniversary date.

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