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How Will Scalia’s Death Affect U.S. Health Care?

February 17, 2016 // News

flag-capitolOn February 13, 2016 United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away unexpectedly, reportedly of a heart attack. He was on a hunting trip at a Texas ranch with friends and was reportedly alone at the time of his death.

Recent conspiracy theories have emerged due to the circumstances surrounding his death; namely, that no autopsy was completed, and the fact that Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara never viewed Scalia’s body before pronouncing him dead of natural causes. Although this is permissible under Texas law, critics, such as former head of D.C. police criminal investigations William O. Ritchie said he was “stunned” that no autopsy was ordered.

The effects of Scalia’s death are likely to be far reaching and the upcoming cases to be heard by the court this spring could prove especially challenging for the future of some health care issues.

Topping Obama’s short list of replacements for Justice Scalia’s seat include:


According to Radio Iowa, State Judiciary Committee Republican Chairman Chuck Grassley said he will wait until a nominee is made by before making a decision as to whether or not to hold a confirmation hearing.


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