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AMAC Launches Find your Representative

December 10, 2018 // News

AMAC Launches ‘Find Your Representative’ Tool, Keeping Seniors Engaged with Congress

Earlier this month, senior advocacy organization AMAC, the Association of Mature American  Citizens introduced its Find Your Representative tool, an online resource created to keep seniors in touch their federal, state, and local elected officials.

The tool features a simple interface: Users input their zip code and Find Your Representative provides up-to-date information on the congressional representative for the user’s district, along with how to contact representatives online and by phone. The tool also allows users to find information on other elected leaders in their states, towns, and counties, including county clerks, district attorneys, sheriffs, and county legislators. When you click on any representative, their party affiliation is revealed.

“We are proud to launch this resource, we cannot stress enough the importance of keeping in touch with your representative,” said Daniel Weber, founder and president of AMAC. “We need to make sure our elected officials are listening to their constituents. And that requires us to be vocal—if our representatives don’t know what we want them to do, it’s our fault. The Find Your Representative tool keeps seniors in touch with the leaders who represent them. This is a vital part of our republic.”

AMAC is the fastest-growing conservative 50+ organization in the United States. With a strong focus on senior advocacy and a robust presence in Washington DC, the organization offers practical and fiscally sound solutions to the issues faced by American seniors. Stay engaged and in touch with your elected leaders, Find Your Representative now.

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