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Consumer Alert – Changes to Medicare in 2018

September 28, 2017 // News

Prescription Drug Plan – Better Discounts

 New Medicare ID Cards – Better Protection

New Income Brackets for Part B Premiums for High-Income

Medicare Supplement Plans – Continued Growth Expected in 2018

Medicare Advantage Plans – Continued Growth Expected in 2018


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  1. B Brice says:

    I’m a disabled veteran with a medical condition that was misdiagnosed by my Union network doctors since 2004, they’re doctors are also the cause of a 17 year old stress fracture , due to a doctor neglect to take xrays and instead gave me a cortisone shot! The fracture ended up turning into a non union fracture!..i since I already have medical coverage from the VA, I selected to terminate my part b medicare because the chances of finding quality healthcare under democratic control in NYC is equivalent to finding the dead sea scrolls in central park! can I avoid being penalized or to be frankly illegally taxed by the democratic socialists tax collectors?..I’ve paid my dues and worked for over 40 years , paid into the system and now that I became disabled?..I would like to receive what I dished out for 4 decades!..besides I have twins that are in their 1st year in the universities…and I am the soul provider of my family!

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