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Marketplace Registration and Training

September 21, 2017 // News

What’s New for Agents and Brokers for Plan Year 2018 Marketplace Registration and Training?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has made the following enhancements to the marketplace Learning Management System (MLMS) to make it easier for you to complete  marketplace registration and training and connect with potential clients for plan year 2018.



MLMS Profile Modernization
The MLMS profile has a modern look and feel:

• The self-attested state licensure fields have been removed.

Find Local Help Enhancements

Training Curriculum Display Enhancements

National Producer Number (NPN) Validation Message

For additional information, check out the “Plan Year 2018 MLMS Enhancements Overview” webinar slides.

Want to stay up-to-date on plan year 2018 Marketplace information? Act today!

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