Schedule a RetireFlo Demo Today

RetireFlo is an online survey built just for Medicare Agents to help them collect the following from their clients and prospects by simply sending a link:
💊 Lists of Drugs, Docs, Hospitals, and Pharmacies
📞 Permission to Contact
📋 48-Hour Scope
With thirteen simple, HIPAA compliant, CMS approved, senior friendly questions, agents can obtain everything they need to provide enrollment guidance to their clients and prospects.
RetireFlo’s most unique feature is the absence of a username/password requirement for the beneficiary. This allows agents to distribute their survey in bulk communications to all of their clients at once. With increased desire from Medicare beneficiaries to shop their plan year after year, agents can use RetireFlo to collect pertinent data from their clients with minimal effort in advance of the Annual Enrollment Period. Once a client/prospect completes a survey, the agent is provided with a secure PDF report summarizing beneficiary data with a compliant SOA attached.
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