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Free SS Help for Your Clients.

July 9, 2021 // News

AMAC’s Social Security Report website, is designed to serve as a resource for anyone who needs relevant information about Social Security.  Now, you can offer your clients a free tool to help them make the most informed decisions about their futures.

The AMAC Foundation Offers Expanded Social Security Advisory Service FREE

Several AMAC Foundation representatives have earned certification as National Social Security Advisors, qualifying them to counsel retirees and pre-retirees on questions and issues pertaining to Social Security. The training preceding the qualification exam equips these Advisors to provide guidance to clients on the many Social Security options available, and enables them to provide a trusted service to the public. Certification is accredited through the Ohio-based National Social Security Association (NSSA). Our professionals are available to handle questions submitted to the Foundation.

To submit a question or to request information:

By Telephone:  Call 888-750-2622
Via Email:  Send to
In Person:  Suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic offers daily updates on major, breaking news and legislative developments affecting Social Security. Your clients can find quotes and comments that reflect the insights of key political figures involved in shaping Social Security policy. They can also peruse the catalog of questions and answers relevant to topics of interest to the public.

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