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Explore 2024 MA Market Trends from Chartis

June 21, 2024 // News

Each year, Chartis, the comprehensive healthcare advisory firm, releases their Medicare Advantage Competitive Enrollment Report which identifies key market trends in the industry.

Chartis reported a decrease in Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollments for 2023-2024, but 26 states show 50% or more enrollment in MA plans. MA growth and penetration rates are the two main measures of market maturity. In addition, the report noted that “counties with higher vulnerability scores show greater penetration rates (53%) compared to counties with lower scores (45%).” The Social Vulnerability Index refers (SVI) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 4-factor tool which identifies areas that might experience disproportionate negative impact due to public health emergencies or disasters (socioeconomic status, household composition, minority status, housing/transportation). Chartis indicates that a higher SVI is associated with a higher MA enrollment.

To explore state enrollment trends and competitive dynamics, access the Chartis Medicare Advantage Competitive Enrollment Dashboard HERE

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