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AEP Survival Tips & Reminders!

October 12, 2017 // News

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period is an exciting time of year to grow your business. However, it can also be overwhelming. To make the most of AEP 2018, we’re sharing a few reminders & survival tips!

Stay Informed

To keep yourself up-to-date on all things Medicare, make sure to review the Medicare rules for agents and brokers. CMS expects you to remain compliant in all transactions, such as making appropriate use of the Scope of Appointment. Pay careful attention to CMS required scripts based on the CMS Eligibility and Enrollments Guidelines. Finally, review the 2018 Medicare Marketing Guidelines (MMG) below for important updates for 2018, including:

Change to Electronic Communication: section 70.1 Electronic Communication Policy

Although you may now initiate electronic contact to potential enrollees, you must include “Marketing” in the beginning of the subject line and refer to the important Disclaimers found in Appendix 5 of the Medicare Marketing Guidelines below. You may now purchase or rent email lists for MA, MAPD, or PDP plan distribution, but you must provide an opt-out process and you must adhere to all applicable laws, including the National Do-Not-Call Registry, the Federal Trade Commission’s Requirement for Sellers and Telemarketers, as well as state and federal calling hours. You must also comply with individual carrier marketing guidelines.

Change to Marketing Events: section 70.4.1 Educational and Marketing Events

Plans/Part D Sponsors are not required to upload educational, formal and/or informal marketing/sales events in HPMS. Plans/Part D Sponsors must keep accurate records of all marketing/sales and educational events, and CMS reserves the right to request event information at any time.

Change to Scope of Appointment: section 70.4.3

As of October 1, agents may obtain the Scope of Appointment form at the beginning of the

1-on-1 appointment and are no longer required to obtain a signed SOA 48 hours prior to the appointment. Agents will not be required to provide an explanation as to why the SOA was not documented 48 hours prior to the appointment. Agents can only market products outlined in the scope of appointment and must obtain a second signed Scope of Appointment if a beneficiary is interested in additional products.


Review Additional Resources

2018 Medicare Marketing Guidelines (MMG)

Prohibited and Appropriate Agent/Broker Behavior

2018 Medicare Advantage & Part D Prescription Drug Program Landscape


Don’t forget YOUR Health

In order to take care of your clients, you must take care of yourself. Although you might be inclined to give up exercising or forgo that morning run, your health is one of the most important factors to your success. During times of added stress, make sure you eat right, get enough sleep, and take time each day to unwind by doing something you enjoy.

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